Library of Things

Enrich your life with our Library of Things collection. We have an amazing selection of diverse items and resources that you can access for free. Save money, reduce clutter, and minimize waste by borrowing items on an as-needed basis. 

For information about public computer access and tech help, visit our Services page. For information about maker tools for use in-branch, visit our Tech and Makerspace Tools page. 

How it Works

Borrowing from our Library of Things is easy. Simply browse our online catalogue for locations and availability of the item you want. Many can be requested for pick up at your local branch. A valid Wellington County Library card in good standing is required to borrow items. Items may be restricted to borrowing by adult cards only. Please note different loan periods apply to each item. 

By borrowing an item from the Library of Things, you agree:

  • To be responsible for the proper care, use, and return of an item, with all essential components, borrowed by you or your child (13 years and under).
  • To pay replacement fees for an item and/or essential components of the item that are damaged, lost, stolen, or otherwise not returned.